Supporting Daffodil Day

At Happii, our commitment to making the world a better place extends beyond our sustainable and ethical kids' swimwear.

Each month, we dedicate our Sharing Happii-ness donations to support a cause close to our hearts, and this August, we were honoured to contribute to the Cancer Council's Daffodil Day.

What is Daffodil Day?

Daffodil Day is a national day in Australia dedicated to raising funds and awareness for cancer research, prevention, and support. The daffodil flower, with its bright and hopeful yellow colour, symbolises the strength, resilience, and optimism of those affected by cancer. The funds raised on this day directly support the Cancer Council, Australia's leading cancer charity, in their mission to reduce the impact of cancer on individuals, families, and communities.

Cancer touches the lives of so many, and Daffodil Day is a powerful reminder of the importance of research, early detection, and support services that can make a real difference. Whether it's finding new ways to prevent cancer, improving treatments, or offering support to those affected, the work funded by Daffodil Day is invaluable.

Our Sharing Happii-ness Donation for Daffodil Day

In line with our commitment to giving back, we are proud to announce that the full $100 of our August Sharing Happii-ness donations has been contributed to this great cause. By supporting Daffodil Day, we stand with the countless individuals and families impacted by cancer, and we contribute to the hope of a brighter, cancer-free future.

At Happii, we believe in creating a positive impact, not just through the products we offer but also through our actions as a brand. Supporting Daffodil Day is our way of showing that we care deeply about the well-being of our community, and we encourage others to get involved, whether through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading awareness.

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